First, you have to get the blueprint of parts of the machine from Rookie. Then go to the Beach and pick up a bucket. Get snow from the snow forts and put it in the bucket. Go to the Pizza Parlor and by the piano, pick up the paper. Go to the Stage and play the notes on the paper on the piano. A yellow puffle will come out. Give him the blueprint and the snow. He will make a part. Go to the Gadget Room in the HQ and put the part the puffle made in the test chamber on the Snow setting. Go outside the Gadget Room. In a cabinet, there's a magnet. Click on a key to the cabinet and when it's time to put in the combination, the combination is one of the keys. If the key doesn't work, try another one. Take the magnet to the Iceberg and pull in the spring. Put it on the clock and you are done!
Go onto and search- Club penguin Mission 7 Walkthrough
I am sorry, there is no 107th mission on club penguin yet.
find a tube attache something to it and then your on your own.
i beat all the missions on club penguin i will give it to you later but i will answer it.
You win
do it yourself
Just go to YouTube and type Club Penguin Mission 4.
say "(f word) i hate club penguin"
Restore the missing clock tower gear This is the club penguin walkthrough for mission for all the missions