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I would be inclined to answer that the only sure way to avoid a flame war is not to start one. If you think the person you are interested in is a good match for you than go ahead and strike, but, sometimes the match has already been struck and for that flame to be put out is not entirely up to you. Fear of being alone, or the need to be adored by more than one is usually the culprit when someone strikes up a relationship when another is clearly not over. It isn't a coincidence, and often a habit, that these types generally have old flames and one would be right in thinking that maybe you are the one on trial, meaning, someone is testing you and your capabilities as a significant other, before they completely foresake any relations with an old flame. In my opinion, it is always healthy for someone to know how to properly end a relationship that just doesn't seem to suit them just as it is unhealthy to start a relationship with someone that doesn't suit them.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

you get a good job and make sure you dont work for someone called bob!

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