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You add them as a friend, then invite them to join your mob. Then once you've either invited them to join your mob or added them to your mob, go to your myspace friends list and delete them as a friend. It wont effect your mobsters mob. It only removes them from the myspace friends list, preventing them from accessing your page if it is set to private.

If you are worried about only adding friends that actually play, then you can go on an adder train website. a good one is Pimpmymob who also has a bot that does everything. Pimp has a free iframe for their site so you can put their train on your chat page for your mob. It moves fast. Its on that site that i learned that there is a 400 a day request limit set by myspace! they do facebook too and have a facebook adder train app. Its not in the facebook search, but there is a link on the site.


While Pimpmymob is a good site as so described above, if you goto you will find an add train of over 15,000 people for myspace mobsters and around 1000 for facebook mobsters. The best part of this site is it allows you to add 1000's of members in around 5 minutes time. This is possible because its an email add train and show you how to invite at least 45 people at a time, saving you a HUGE amount of time compared to doing it one at a time.

Oh! And 1 tip I always suggest to people, if your worried about adding people you don't know to your personal myspace account just go make a new one used for only playing app games. This allows you to use a fake name, fake location, and not get your true myspace account spammed full of strangers. Take my advice on this, I know from experience. ;)

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You can't add them without adding them on myspace first.

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Q: How do you add people to mobsters without them being on your friends list?
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