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The input devices receive the instruction from the user, which is then fed into the processor. The processor then executes the instruction and displays the result on the screen or other appropriate output device.

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Q: How do the basic computer components work together to execute an instruction?
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define the Fetch-Execute cycle?

the Fetch-Execute cycle is the process by which a computer retrieves a programmed instruction from its memory, determines what actions the instruction dictates, and carries out those actions.

What is instruction cycle with interrupts?

The instruction cycle is the basic operation cycle in a computer. This is what will take in data, process it and execute as required.

How does the CPU keep track of which instruction to execute next?

The instruction register holds a pointer to the current instruction (in working memory) while the next instruction register points to the next instruction (the first instruction immediately after the current instruction's operands). If the current instruction is a jump instruction, it can change the next instruction register, allowing the program to branch to a new instruction once the jump instruction is processed. The next instruction pointer is automatically moved into the current instruction register once the current instruction has been processed. The entire process of executing an instruction is known as the fetch-decode-execute cycle.

How are the three components related to each other?

The three components are interconnected in the sense that they work together to create a functioning system. The hardware provides the physical components for computing, the software provides the instructions for the hardware to execute tasks, and data is the information that is processed by the hardware and software. Together, they form the foundation of a computer system.

What is referred to by computer resources?

When people talk about computer resources, they are usually referring to the available memory in RAM and the amount of time the CPU has available to execute an instruction.

What no of instruction will be execute by using only one clock pulse in 8085 microprocessor?

There are no instructions in the 8085 that execute in only one clock pulse. The minimum number of clock cycles is four; three for instruction fetch and one for instruction decode/execute.

What is the fetch-decode-cycle on a computer?

when we execute a program, the starting address is loaded in the program counter. Then for each instruction the processor goes through fetch-decode-execute states. At the fetch state the instruction code is fetched then decoded to understand what exactly has to be done. Then finally it executes that instruction. This process goes on till it reaches the end of the program.

What is the function of the central processing unit?

Its main function is to execute instructions stored in a memory, which allows system to perform various tasks. the cpu retrives instruction from the memory, decodes them and then executes them. this process is known as the fetch decode execute cycle. The cpu is responsible for performing the majority of the calculations and logical operations as required by a computer. it also manages the systems memory, input/output devices and communication with other devices in the system. additionally the cpu also acts as the control center that cordinates and synchronize the activities of other components in the system. in summary the main function of a cpu is to execute instruction of the computer program. in summary the main function of cpu is to execute instruction of the computer program which in turn allows the system to perform various tasks.

What action is taken by CPU after reset to execute first instruction of program?

The fetch-execute cycle.

How many instructions are in the ARM instruction set?

There is one instruction set in the IA-32. Instruction set is the set of instruction that a processor can execute.

Explain steps involve in instruction execution cycle?

The two-phase process for executing instructions on a typical CPU involves a fetch step and an execute step. Fetch is where the instruction is loaded from memory and execute is where the actions detailed in the instruction are carried out.