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you press the black button on the left size of the phone. it has a picture of a lock on it.

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Q: How do iPhone lock the lg xenon phone?
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Does the lg xenon stink?

NO, NO, NO, the LG xenon is the one phone that rivals the iphone except the iphone doesn't have a slide out keyboard, and the xenon does!!!!!! It ROCKS! that is what some people think. my friend has it and she hates it. it is all about your opinion. It is all about opinions. I'm the kind of kid who loves to text, play games, surf the web, i have to have a keyboard, and I love widgets. This phone is the perfect phone for me!

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Yes , the LG Xenon does have a lock button . It is located next to the camera button. ( right bottom corner ) And if you cant find it , the button has a picture of a lock.

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For me the LG Xenon,but others may not think the same as me!!!

Is the xenon phone fragile?

no, not at all. The lg xenon is very sturdy!

Is lg xenon a smart phone?

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yes it is.

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The lg xenon is better because it has fron touch screen and a side keyboard, and its very easy to use. :D

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What is better the xenon or the lg rumour2?

The lg rumour 2 is a pretty nice phone. It has a full qwerty keyboard,and many feautures, as a smart phone is has im. The lg xenon is also a great phone fully touch screen may feautures and apps. it also has a qwerty keyboard and has im as a smart phone. I would go with the Lg xenon. Overall they are both great phones. the rumour two i rate a 7.5 the xenon with a 9.5. Whats your choice?