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There are several species of penguin. The eggs of each ar different in appearnace . Typically the eggs are white to bluish or greenish. The shape varies among species:

  • Humboldt and Adélie penguins the egg is more or less round.
  • Emperor and King penguins the egg is rather pear-shaped, with one end tapering almost to a point.

Egg size and weight varies with species as well:

  • Emperor penguin eggs are 11.1 to 12.7 cm (4.4-5 in.) long and mass 345 to 515 g (12.1-18 oz.), and
  • Adélie penguin eggs are 5.5 to 8.6 cm (2.2-3.4 in.) long and mass 61 to 153.5 g (2.1-5.4 oz.)
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14y ago
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14y ago

that is easy all u have to do is look in the mirror and u will see how it looks like p.s. that is an ugly penguin!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lol :]

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14y ago

cute tiny make you say aw

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Q: How do baby penguins look like?
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Do penguins look like you?

Yes, when you are a penguin.

What are King Penguins like?

King penguins look a lot like emperor penguins, but they have orange coloring instead of yellow. They are also about a foot shorter.

How do penguins produce baby penguins?

The female penguin lays eggs. Then the baby penguins hatch from the eggs.

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They cant look like anything. there just a egg.

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Baby emperor penguins are called chicks.