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The general tendency is for galaxies that are farther away from us, to move away from us faster. This can give a rough idea of a galaxy's distance, just by observing its redshift (which is a measure of how fast it moves away from us).

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Q: How do astronomers use pictures of distancee galaxies to determine the age of the universe?
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How do you take pictures of other galaxies?

To take pictures of other galaxies, astronomers use telescopes equipped with sensitive cameras to capture light emitted by the distant galaxies. These telescopes are often placed in space or in remote locations to minimize interference from Earth's atmosphere and light pollution. The images captured are then processed and analyzed to study the properties and characteristics of the galaxies.

What does the Hubble space telescope take pictures of?

The Hubble Space Telescope takes pictures of various celestial objects in space, including stars, galaxies, nebulae, and planets in our own solar system. It has provided stunning images that have helped astronomers better understand the universe and phenomena like black holes, distant galaxies, and planetary atmospheres.

How do scientist take pictures of other galaxies?


Explain hubble's function?

To send pictures from space to earth for astronomers and scientists

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because of the Hubble telescope pictures.

How can you see and photograph distant galaxies throughout the universe but you can't even see most planets in the milky way galaxy?

Galaxies are a whole lot bigger than planets. And astronomical pictures (x-rays, visible light, etc,) don't reveal much about individual stars, much less planets, within them. Astronomers have become very good at figuring out quite a bit about the Universe from pretty scant data.

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Yes, mosquito bite pictures can help you determine if your bites are from a mosquito. Simply compare them to pictures of mosquito bite pictures online.

How are scientist able to identify the different types of galaxies?

The scientists are able to identify the different types of galaxies by high powered telescopes and by examining the pictures sent by various satellites orbiting the universe.

Did people discover other galaxies yet?

yea, we havent been there but look up the pictures from the hubble telescope and it will show you the different types and more=======================================Millions of other galaxies outside of ours have been photographed.Each one of them is composed of millions of stars.

What shape is a magellanic cloud galaxie?

The large magellanic cloud galaxy has an irregular shape. It does not look like spiral and elliptical galaxies shown in pictures.

When we see pictures of space are they pictures of space from millions of years ago because light took millions of years to reach earth?

Some of them, yes, especially the light from distant galaxies. However, there are also pictures from objects in space that are nearer to us, like the stars in our own galaxy.

What do astronomers do with the pictures from the HST?

They first remove the flying saucers and aliens by Photoshop.... Just kidding. Since your tax dollars paid for it, all the pictures are available to you if you have the technical ability to view them. Many of them will be used and reused for years for scientific studies.