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The speed of light is not infinite. Light takes time to travel from distant galaxies to our eyes here on Earth. If a galaxy is 1 billion light years away, it has taken 1 billion years for the light emitted by said galaxy to reach us here, so (obviously) we are seeing the light emitted 1 billion years ago. In a sense, we are seeing 1 billion years into the past at the light emitted by that galaxy.

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Q: How do astronomers observing distant galaxies talk about looking backward in time?
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What destroyed the steady state theory?

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Based on the observed red shifts in the spectral lines of distant galaxies?

Astronomers conclude that the universe is expanding, because wavelengths are increasing.

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Ultraviolet wavelength telescope to look at distant galaxies?

An ultraviolet wavelength telescope can be used to study distant galaxies as ultraviolet light is emitted by hot, young stars and can provide information about star formation rates and the overall properties of the galaxies. By observing in the ultraviolet, astronomers can gain insights into the early stages of galaxy evolution and the presence of specific elements in the galaxies, contributing to a deeper understanding of the universe's history and dynamics.

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The "nucleus".

The Doppler effect applies to light waves as well as sound waves. Astronomers use this to measure the motion of stars and galaxies. In 1929 Edwin Hubble discovered that light from distant galaxies was?

shifted to longer wavelengths, indicating that the galaxies were moving away from us. This observation led to the development of the theory of the expanding universe.

Why the development of the telescope with better magnification has helped astronomers to find out more about the universe?

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