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They use powerful devices such as the Hubble Space Telescope, and infrared and ultraviolet waves.

Astronomers also use the direction of the path of light, gamma rays, and beta particles to study the center of our spiral-shaped Milky Way Galaxy.

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They map the galaxy with radio waves

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Q: How do astronomer study the center of milky way galaxy?
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What is used to study the center of the Milky Way Galaxy?

It is a radiotelescope which works on radio waves instead of light waves.

How long does it take for us to get out of the Milky Way galaxy?

That will depend on the speed of our spacecraft. At its current speed, the Voyager spacecraft will not make it out of the Milky Way galaxy within the expected lifetime of the universe, and certainly not before the Andromeda galaxy collides with the Milky Way galaxy about 3 billion years from now. In another thousand years, after we've had some time to study this, ask me again.

Can we see the center of the Milky Way galaxy"?

Oh, what a wonderful question! The center of our magnificent Milky Way galaxy is indeed hard to see directly because it's obscured by cosmic dust and stars in the way. But fear not! Through the extraordinary eyes of powerful telescopes and dedicated researchers, we are able to capture breathtaking images of the galactic center's beauty and secrets. Keep looking up, my friend - there is always more wondrous beauty to discover in the universe!

Why do astronomers study the Andromeda galaxy?

Astronomers study the Andromeda galaxy to learn more about how galaxies form and evolve, to understand the structure and composition of other galaxies beyond our own Milky Way, and to potentially gain insights into the future fate of our own galaxy.

What type of galaxy is your system in?

Our solar system is located in the Milky Way galaxy, which is classified as a spiral galaxy. It is estimated to be about 100,000 light-years in diameter and contains billions of stars, including our sun.

Are there more galaxies than the milky way galaxy if so why do scientists need to study them?

yes, we are one of the trillions and trillions of galaxies!

What is the name of the galaxy in which our solar system is located in?

In the Milky Way, which is ironically the hardest one for us to study, as we are forced to look at it from the inside.

What do you call a person who study the stars?

An astronomer

How far is the galactic center from earth?

The galactic center is approximately 25,000 light-years away from Earth. This region of the Milky Way galaxy contains a supermassive black hole and is a hub of activity with stars, gas, and dust. Astronomers study this area to understand the structure and dynamics of our galaxy.

Are their other planets that is not in the galxy?

Yes, the first exoplanet candidates in a galaxy other than our own Milky Way are now under study.

What instrument might an astronomer use to study matter in space?

A telescope is the instrument an astronomer uses to study matter in space.

Who is a Helio Astronomer?

a helio astronomer is a person who study the sun. it is also called heliophysicist.