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Well, back in 1302, Ohio used to be called Tiunaek. This name was made by the local villagers who first created the original settlement of Ohio. Then, in 1589, Shakespeare was traveling from New York and happened to pass by the settlement, which at the time was not as huge. He demanded that the name be changed from Tiunaek to Shakeland. They did not hesitate at all. Soon, Shakeland had attracted over millions of villagers. Everything went great until there was a giant flood. This eradicated about 90% of the population. Afterwards, in 1893, the name was changed to Ohio because Bob Saget demanded it should be. Ohio's population increased over 300% in the following days. Today, Ohio's name is being determined by Congress on whether or not to change their name to SwagCarolina.

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Q: How did the name Ohio evolve in history?
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