That is the correct spelling of "rockhopper." The term can apply to a brand name of mountain bike, the Rockhopper. It is also capitalized when it refers to a species of rockhopper penguins (Northern Rockhopper, Eastern Rockhopper, Western Rockhopper).
rockhopper island
Yes. Rockhopper penguins live in groups known as "colonies".
Rockhopper is a species of penguin.
No they do not, but some penguins belive they have seen rockhopper but it is not possible to see him because he doesnt want to be seen.
Rockhopper's ship is named the Migrator. He came up with the name when a couple of penguins asked 'where he was migrating to'.
Captain Rockhoppers ship is called the Migrator.
Rockhopper penguins are not found in Antarctica, but live on sub-Antarctic islands. Their actual range depends upon their species.Southern rockhopper penguins live around the Falkland Islands, Argentina and Chile.Eastern rockhopper penguins are found around Marion, Prince Edward, Crozet, Kerguelen, Heard, MacDonald, Macquarie, Campbell, Antipodes and the Auckland Islands.Northern rockhopper penguins inhabit the areas around Tristan de Cunha, Gough, St. Paul and the Amsterdam Islands.
There is no such thing as Rockhopper island. It is just a myth penguins make up so then other penguins would start following them, which is just publicity for those penguins who are getting followed.
Rochhopper penguins can jump up to 5 feet!