I'm assuming you mean television. (He also invented electrically heated socks).
He proved that moving pictures could be sent by radio. People have since used this for entertainment and information.
John Logie Baird's real name was John Logie Baird.
Diana and Malcolm
13th of August 1888
he did not have a job he just was inventer
Annie or jean biard Annie or jean biard
John Logie Baird had four children: Diana, Malcolm, Diana, and John.
John Logie Baird's father was Reverend John Braid. His mother was Jessie Morrison Inglis. John Logie Baird's wife was Margaret Albu and together they had 2 children, Diana and Malcolm.
what did john logie baind invent
John Logie Baird, born in 1888, was the inventor of the first television. His father was Reverend John Baird and his mother was Jessie Morrison Inglis.
John Logie Biard did not get any money for the colored TV. John Logie Baird was born in the year of 1888 and he died in the year of 1946. He is known for the invention of the television.