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He became the richest penguin in Clubpenguin because he plays 6hrs a day on clubpenguin.

His new website is

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Q: How did Masan453 become the richest penguin in cp?
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Richest Penguin on Club Penguin?

Highest ammount is Infinite! Masan453 has 999999999999 coins! He's the richest penguin on Cp. But he spent so much money on everything, he's gone down. But... He still is the richest penguin. Check out his amazing website at

How do you become cp on Club Penguin?

u cant become cp. cp is just a short way of saying club penguin

How do you become a cp on Club Penguin?

l'm a cp, your a cp, cp means Club Penguin so when ever you see that , it means club penguin

What does CP mean in Club Penguin?

CP stands for Club Penguin.

How do you become a gm penguin on Club Penguin?

i know a little secret how to become famous on cp if you want it i can make your penguin big just email me at pengrady is my cp name

What does CP mean on Club Penguin?

Actually, CP is short for Club Penguin

Is Cp short for Club Penguin?

Yes, CP is short for Club Penguin because C stands for Club and P stands for Penguin. CP can have loads of meanings.

Can you become friends with another person on club penguin when they are not playing?

No, you can't become friends with another CP gamer when they are offline.

What do you use the balloon for on Club Penguin?

You Only Use It For Looks ON Cp (Cp= Clup Penguin)

What is cp Club Penguin?

The letters CP are CP because the C stands for club and the P stands for penguin and it's short anyway

Who is a rich penguin on cp?

There are a lot of rich penguins on cp.

How do you cp in cp trainer 3?

get penguin strom 11 form cp