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The amount of trust points is how many users have reccommended you. The quickest way to gain trust points is by answering many questions. This way, your name is on every question, and they can easily click the 'reccommend this contributor' button.

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Q: How come Ive made over 500 contributions yet I only have 5 trust points?
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You have made countless contributions to questions but you still have 0 trust points is that normal?


What are the numbers beside the usernames in WikiAnswers and why are some 1 or 5 or something and mine is zero. how do I advance mine?

The numbers beside the usernames are Trust Points. Trust Points are points given by other contributors who think a contributor has done an outstanding job on WikiAnswers. The amount of points is the amount of people who trust you and your contributions. There should be a 'recommend' button by your name if you made the last edit in an answer. You can recommend yourself once. To advance your Trust Points, just make high-quality answers and/or contributions to WikiAnswers and someone is bound to trust you.

What are contributor trust points?

Trust points that are given by contributors to a certain user for good contributions that that user has made. This is done in one of three ways:On the contributor's contributions page, click recommend contributor.On the contributor's bio page, click recommend.orUnderneath a question which the contributor has made the most recent change to the answer, click recommend contributor.

How do you see answers from the people with most trust points?

The easiest way, is to visit the bio pages of those with most trust points. Where it shows recent contributions on the right hand side, click "see all". That will take you to the contributions of that user, look down and click, either made this change, or wrote the first answer. That will show the answers they have made.

Where do you see your Trust Points on WikiAnswers?

First of all, you must be a registered member to be eligible to receive Trust Points.On your profile, your Trust Points are listed to the right under Stats: Your contributions are shown and under that are the number of Trust Points you have accumulated.In addition, your Trust Points kind of "follow" you around the site. In many places on the site, there is a number in parentheses next to your name - that number signifies the current total of your points.As an example the trust points displayed with this question are below the answer at the bottom of the answer box toward the middle where it displays [contributor trust].Places where you can see the number of Trust Points:When you leave a message on someone's message board.When you are the first person to answer a question, after you have finished answering the question and have clicked on Save.When you are the last person to have edited an answer.If you have made any changes to the question or answer, it will display your name and Trust Points in the history of that question.

Who made buzz lightyear?

John Lasseter Can i please have trust points?

How can someone with only 8 contributions to this website have earned 86 trust points?

Yes, it is possible for someone with only 8 contributions to the site to have 86 trust points. The mechanism by which trust points are awarded doesn't have a one-to-one correlation to the "contributions" made by a person. Certainly it is possible that a couple of dozen different people came to the answers posted by this person and felt so strongly about the "worth" of the answer that they recommended the individual who posted that answer. But maybe not. There are people who have made few contributions and have large numbers of "recommends" who have not actually "earned" them. Lots of people come to a question and change one minor thing about the answer and, instead of using the "minor edit" box, just go directly to "post this answer" and have their tag on the question. If this question is an often-asked one, and the existing answer was exceptionally good, the inconsiderate person who "took credit" may end up getting the recommends that someone else deserved. Bottom line: the system isn't really that effective in awarding "credit" where it's due. The good news is that the WikiAnswers crew at headquarters is working on it. It's common knowledge that the system isn't "fair" in many ways as regards recommends. Patience is advised. Detachment from "trying to win trust points" is suggested, and strongly so. Other things. I would really want to know. Not that I care for numbers, but I'm just curious. Oh and I am not jealous lol. I'm very happy for that person. Just noticed that I got to my 1000th contribution on this site a moment ago and I have earned 12 trust points so far (many thanks to those who voted for me!) So 86 trust points with only 8 contributions means that somebody here is really bright... and popular, too. Good job. Congrats! WoW, U EARN A TRUST POINT FROM ME!

If you have lots of trust points then do you have more of a chance of getting more trust points?

You don't get a lot of trust points, unless you have provided a lot of good answers. If you stop answering questions, the old ones are still there. It is possible that someone has added to your answer, and now they will get trust points from other users, because your name will no longer be listed as the last contributor. So, to keep accumulating trust points, keep providing new answers.You can get more trust points by stealing someone's answer, which isn't recommended. Some people just click on the Edit button, but don't really edit anything. If the answer itself was good enough, the original editor gets many trust points. When you click on "Save", your name will replace the original editor's name. Someone will think that you are the one who entered the good answer, and give you trust points. This is wrong, to steal someone's copyrighted answers. However, others may know that you stole their answer, because someone's name will appear and it will say "First answer by _____" before their name and "Last edit by" before your name. You can answer a question without replacing someone's name, by checking "Mark this as a minor edit under your answer box, when editing it.The Trust Point Leader is Marcy with 8,977 Trust Points by 10 July 2012. She is the "go to girl" regarding relationships and her answers should be respected and trusted. She is a Canadian who has been on this website since 2005 and has only 22,597 answers and 57,733 contributions. That is a small Internet number or "footprint" when compared to the "Contributions" made by many of the holders of the coveted Ruby Level Award or the Lifetime Achievement Award.

How can you tell how many points you have?

To tell how many contributions (points) you have, go to your bio page. The URL for any Bio Page will be User:username.There will be a stats box with all of your badges in it. In the stats box (it is labeled 'Stats') it will show how many contributions you have made.

How do you get historical contributions in WikiAnswers?

The historical contributions on this website are not active anymore. They are remnants of the old contributions system. The old system did not divide the types of points like it does now. When the site went to the new system, all the old contributions were made historical. Only members that have been on the site for a while still have those contributions on their profile.

Which user has made the most Organization contributions?

As of November 7, 2013, the user with the highest overall amount of Organization contributions is Rudiful2, with a total of 3,021,138 Organization points.(See the Related link to the top monthly/overall contributors.)

How does your score reach 700 in 30 days?

It depends what you are talking about. If it is 700 contributions, you have made 700 assorted answers, splits, edits to answers and questions, asked questions, and much more. If it is 700 trust points, then 700 different people have trusted your answers and yourself within a 30 day time period.