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How do I unsubscribe from my friends' status updates?

There are three different ways to unsubscribe from your friends' status updates:

  • When you receive a status update text, simply respond with the word "Unsubscribe." You will then receive a confirmation text notifying you that you have successfully unsubscribed to that friend's status updates.
  • Alternatively, you can navigate to your friend's profile on the site and click the "Unsubscribe from SMS updates" link below his or her profile picture.
  • You can also manage your subscriptions from the SMS Subscriptions tab of your Edit Friends page. Click the drop-down menu to the right of your friend's name and un-check them from the "SMS subscriptions" list.
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My friends status's are not appearing on page?

Are you looking at your wall or the homepage? You can only view updates from the facebook homepage. Hope this hepls .

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the welcome page is the page that has a random smattering of your friends' status updates and photos and the wall is your personal space for your statuses and things that your friends write directly to you.

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From your profile page scroll you mouse over to the right side of the status and you will see the word delete come up when you hit the right spot.

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The video game "Douchebags Chick the Game" will automatically give you a option for status updates in game. You may alternately change your status in your profile page as well.

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There is no status page only settings

What is the meaning of subscribed on Facebook?

When a user subscribes to someone on Facebook, it means they will see that person's public posts in their News Feed, even if they are not friends with them. This allows users to follow updates from individuals or pages that interest them without having to be connected as friends.

Why are your Twitter updates appearing on your MySpace status?

because twitter and myspace form a pact so what ever u put down on your twitter it will appear on ur myspace page

How do you change whatsapp status?

On the top right hand side of your facebook profile, under your name, there is an option to: "Update your status..." Simply click once on the words "Update your status" and enter your update's text. Then a note will be added on the home page of all your friends, informing them of your updated status.

Where do company page updates go after they are a month old?

Any updates over 1 month old seem to disappear from the Company Page with no record of them stored anywhere.

What if you cannot see old updates again and you liked them?

Reload the page.

What page provides information about unverified precedures in the TO?

Verification Status Page

How do you receive updates from the people you are following on twitter?

These updates will appear on the home screen, if you want to view individual updates simply go to the page of that user and you may see all their tweets.