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Checking your email for school is against the rules and will just get you in trouble. Can't you just wait until you get home?

no so can u tell me how to get on aim from the school computer

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Secretly go on when your teacher isn't looking and make sure that the screen to the computer is facing you and the wall. Nobody else!

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Q: How can you sign into aim on a school computer?
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Why does your aim not let you sign on?

Just try again in a few minutes or restart your computer.

How do you close an aim account - i know how to delete AOL aim from my computer but the account still can be accessed through other portals?

find aim on the left corner then press it then press sign out. You can contact AIM about it at the Related Link.

Why is aim so cool?

Aim is so cool because you get to chat with your buddies from school. For those who don't know about instant message (aim) are so slow. So kids sign up now at and get your screen name now!

How do you get the aim history of an computer?

Go to Computer, Look For aim Logger. Or Search For Aim Logger, then click it,then that's it. (click on it and you can see it )

How do you sign on to more than one aim?

sign 1 on to aim another on to meebo and another on to airaim done

Does aim give computer viruses?

No. AIM does NOT give your computer a virus. I have been using it for about 5 years now and my computer is in perfect shape.

What is A.I.M?

AIM is way faster then texting Its a good way to keep in touch with friends from really far friends that live up the block and friends that can live with you:-) you can sign up for aim at if your ipod has internet you cants sign up for AIM on it but u can sign on and can also get on a computer or sidekicks(aim is also known as aol) LuverGirl550: AIM is a very fast way to talk to friends and Family on the internet and mobile. It is much easier then e-mail. If you need to Block someone for some reason AIM can allow you that. AIM is also for AOL which is also an e-mailing service. AIM is a very good chatting service. Trust me, it is good, I hand it and it is very helpful!

How do you get on aim at school?

== == == ==

How can you sign into aim express?

well its usually hard because it double clicks but go on to and if you have the new then just go to aol, add, and itll take you to aim, where you sign in ON THE ORIGINAL AIM FIRST, then go to AIM EXPRESS. wala. magic

Are there robots on aim 6?

There are "robots" on Aim. They are a computer. They talk to you when you Aim them because they are there for you to talk to them and get information.

How do you make a peace sign on aim?

It is a Capital "A" on the Wingdings.

Do you have to put credit card on the sign up for aim?
