

Best Answer

You hire someone in her area to put her under surveillance

AnswerThe only way to know if your girlfriend is cheeting on you is to siply ask her. That's all. Alot of guys, men, or boys think their girlfriends are cheeting on them, but to let you know the only way to find out if she is or not. Then she doesn't answer find out your self by friends help and even her parents ask them. But don't worry ok if she is then you don't desurve her you go out and find a girl that will always be there and that you can trust her.OH also TRUST if their is no TRUST in you relationship then theirs no need to go on.It's hard to know but it's true!I wish I had a boyfriend who caird if they wanted to know if I was cheeting on them but I have to keep looking. So who ever asked this question your a great guy!
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Q: How can you find out if she is cheating if she lives far from you?
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I think that narcissist manipulation comes naturally for them. They have done this for all their lives and it is easy for them. They are professionals at lying, manipulation and cheating as far as I am concerned and it will never end. You can find a lying, manipulative and cheating relationship almost anywhere if that is what you want.

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Unfortunately there is no way you can tell if your boyfriend is cheating when he lives so far away and you will have to have blind faith and trust him. If he phones you; texts you two or more times a week then it would appear he is still interested in you, but if he is getting in contact with you less and less then there is always that possibility he may be dating.

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It most likely means that while he was making love to you that he was probably cheating on you for this girl that lives far away that is his new love and he will probably do the same thing to her what he did to you.

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She knows.

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Men with No Lives - 2010 Cheating on Facebook with Myspace - 2.25 was released on: USA: 23 July 2011

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As far as trying to find a quiz to fill out to find out if your husband is cheating or not don't borrow trouble and that means these quizzes are generally not correct and the person reading them could misunderstand what is quite normal for some actions men take in a marriage; for example: Your husband is quiet and doesn't always pay the attention to you that you feel you deserve.' This does not mean he is not in love with you or that he is cheating on you. If you want to find out where your marriage stands then learn better communication skills where the two of you can sit down for even half an hour and discuss how the other feels and also resolve any problems you may have in your lives such as work; finances, etc., or problems with sexual relations in your marriage.

What are the release dates for Men with No Lives - 2010 Cheating on Facebook with Myspace 2-25?

Men with No Lives - 2010 Cheating on Facebook with Myspace 2-25 was released on: USA: 23 July 2011

Can you create your own cheating system?

So far it is not possible

What do you do if your boyfriend is cheating on you but you really like him?

You both can try and make it work. If he is too far into cheating, you cannot do much but leave him.

I have a feeling fiance is cheating so how do I go about prove or disprove it?

If you are not the jealous type of person then go with your gut instincts. You can either ask your best friend to go with you and follow your fiance on the nights you feel they are cheating or, hire a detective for a weekend. It is far better to find out if your fiance is cheating as soon as possible before you ever consider getting married. If the wedding is close don't panic and try to find the evidence he is cheating (take a digital camera or your blackberry with you.)