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If someone that DOES follow you retweets you and someone sees that tweet on their TL they will RT you.. and they don't have to be following you... Follow me @ALexisU_

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Q: How can people re-tweet you if they don't follow you?
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Related questions

Does retweeting on Twitter really work to make that person follow you?

You can't force people to follow you. If you retweet their message then they may choose to follow you.

Why can't people retweet private tweets?

You can't retweet them because the user wants to keep their tweets private.

How you retweet on Twitter?

Start your tweet with 'RT' and then copy the message as well as the persons username and paste it into your tweet or simply click Retweet under that Tweet Your followers will then see the message you have retweeted as well as the persons username in case they want to follow them. :)This is like forwarding messages or emails.

How do you get a top Tweet on Twitter?

You achieve this when a lot of people retweet your tweet.

How do you make it to where people can not retweet your tweets on twitter?

People won't be able to use the Retweet function on your tweets if your tweets are protected. This doesn't stop them copying and pasting your tweet and retweeting the old way though.

What is the past tense of retweet?

The past tense of "retweet" is "retweeted."

What is retweet?

Retweet means to forward a tweet to your followers.It is like forwarding a text message or an email.

How do you undo a retweet you click it but it just retweets it again?

Hover over the retweet on your timeline (i.e. on your profile page) Then, click on the word "retweeted" and it will undo the retweet and delete it from your tweets.

How do you make twitter profile unsearchable?

You can't. But you can block people or protect your tweets, but if you protect your tweets people can not retweet them.

If you are not famous how do you get people to follow you on twitter without basically begging?

There are many answers to this question, first of all its not always good to have so many followers, because there are many creepy people out there. But some good ways to gain followers is to follow basic celebrities and RT (retweet) their tweets or tweet about the trending topics so people can see your tweets more. Thanks. follow me on twitter.- DPeare08

What is re-tweat on Twitter?

Retweet is when someone tweet something and you retweet it. by clicking the refresh looking button.

Can people on Instagram that you follow see your posts even if they don't follow you back?

No, I dont like