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Keep you pets locked away and on a lead at all times, if you see them don't go near them and leave them ALONE!! If you want to see penguins do NOT go looking in their nests but you can go on penguin tours. that's probably the safest way :)

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13y ago
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15y ago

They help the world by making a better place. Penguins also know when a person gets sick 20 minutes before the person gets gets sick. That's why they sometimes act funny (like there's something going on) around people. Penguins have been known to help kids in wheelchairs by keeping them company. Penguins are here to help us and give us love. They are also here to be man's best friend or loyal companion. You can learn a whole lot from a penguin!

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15y ago

the best way is to restore habitat. since they live on rapidly melting ice, we should do all we can to slow down the process of global warming. this will stop the ice from melting so fast. right now, polar bears kill each other to gain area. the ice is shrinking.

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13y ago

u locked them in a fridge if u take them home

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13y ago

save them from where

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13y ago

You don't

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Where do penguins live on the globe?

penguins live in antarctica

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More penguins live there than people.

What do you call people who help penguins?

Very cold and very wet.

Is there anything i can do to help penguins?

the yellow eyed penguin species are endangered. you might be able to help them. they live in new zealand

Do penguins live independently?

when penguins are about a year old they live indepent

How do penguins live for?

i think penguins live for around 14 years

What features help penguins live?

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Do pengiuns live in Africa?

No it's to hot for penguins to live in Africa. Penguins live in Antarctica.

What tempatures do penguins live in?

Most Penguins live in the cold, but some live in tropical environments.