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Well currently they are not being held accountable for piracy but some law makers who want nothing more than to destroy freedom of speech have submitted legislation to make them accountable. The reason that due to the fact that all of the data their customers have incoming and outgoing flow through the ISP's networks, then why not make it legal, in fact mandatory for your ISP to look over your shoulder and report what they believe are violations of the copyright laws - thereby completely and utterly destroying ones' right to privacy and not to mention the opportunity for illegal privacy invasions by nefarious pedophiles, identity thieves, unwarranted police surveillance to occur with little to no way of knowing.

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Internet piracy is a controversial subject with many arguments to be made on all sides. Piracy research has shown that the traditional methods of piracy prevention, such as DRM, are both ineffective protection and are poorly received by legitimate customers. Piracy has been shown to drop when media is made widely available at a fair price, and tends to rise sharply when companies charge exorbitant prices or refuse to release media in a certain country.

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-steals software media -intentionally erases programs -illegally copies a program -illegally registers and/or activates a program

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As much as there are people in the world with computers and internet connection who don't like the high prices of music. There is about 879 music piracy. Give or take.

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If a band or musician has a download link on their/his site, then it is legal. Otherwise it is piracy.

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You can't, really. That's called e-piracy.

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In layman's terms, online piracy is the illegal copying of any copyrighted materials from the Internet. This includes movies, games, music files, software, and even published written works.