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They really aren't very similar at all. A galaxy is an actual grouping of stars, from several millions up to hundreds of billions of them, held together by gravity.

A constellation is an arrangement of perhaps a few dozen stars in the night sky, that we perceive to form a familiar pattern; a horse, a crab, a lion, a dragon, a swan... But a constellation has no physical existence; it is only in the minds of the observers.

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14y ago

They both are alike because they are in space and systems

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15y ago

the both have stars i guess?

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both are things about stars

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Q: How are constellations and galaxies alike?
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How is galaxies and constellations not alike?

one thing galaxy's have planets but not constellations another... constellations look like that the stars are close but the aren't

How constellations different from galaxies?

Constellations are stars put together, usually to form a ancient figure in the stars, a galaxy is much different, They have planets and in galaxies you can find constellations. Big difference

How many galaxies are in each of the 88 constellations?

There are at least 100 billion galaxies in the observable universe, so there are at least 1.14 billion galaxies in each one of the 88 constellations in the sky.

What are constellations of the big bang theory?

Constellations are components of galaxies and have little to do with the Big Bang Theory.

Do astronomers divide the sky into galaxies?

no, they divide the sky into constellations

How are spiral and elliptical irregular and irregular galaxies alike?

They are ALL galaxies.

How is galaxies and constellation alike?

Can both be in the same solar system and both are in space.

How are galaxies and constellations similar?

Galaxies and constellations are both collections of stars. Galaxies are vast systems of stars, gas, and dust bound together by gravity, while constellations are patterns of stars as seen from Earth. Galaxies are much larger and spatially related collections of stars compared to the more apparent and human-defined shapes of constellations.

How are Greek myths and constellations alike?

Greek myths and constellations are alike in that they both feature characters and stories from Greek mythology. The constellations are often named after these characters or elements from the myths. Additionally, both myths and constellations have been passed down through generations as a way to explain natural phenomena and provide insight into the world around us.

How are galaxies and constellations different and how are they alike?

Constellations are 'patterns' of stars imagined by ancient civilisations and used more recently for ship navigation, they can contain stars, galaxies, nebulae, clusters and pretty much everything else. However, they are only patterns that appear to us because of our position in space, and would look different from any other point in space because of the relative positions of the stars. Galaxies however, are large groups of stars and gas that usually contain a central black hole around which everything moves (such as our Milky Way galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy), these are massive in scale, Andromeda is estimated to contain 1 trillion stars.

What are 2 ways in which galaxies can differ from one another?

Constellations are patterns of stars that we see in the sky. There are 88 official constellations, like Leo, Orion, Taurus etc. We are in the galaxy called the Milky Way, as are all the stars you can see in all of those constellations. A galaxy is a massive collection of stars. We can see some other galaxies, such as Andromeda, but they just look like a clump of dust in the sky because they are so far away, and we can't pick out individual stars.

What are the most visible constellations from NJ?

Some of the most visible constellations from New Jersey include Ursa Major (containing the Big Dipper), Orion, and Cassiopeia. These constellations are prominent in the night sky and can be easily seen with the naked eye from various locations in New Jersey.