Selena Gomez's only real star doll account is Julyrosemusic. We have verified her. Sincerely, ©WikiAnswers Inc.
Research, research, and more research. Personal experience also helps, but if your answers are verified through a written or internet source, your answer will be well thought out and accurate.
They are not verified because they did not do what they needed to do to be verified.
When complet5ing a mathematical proof, it can be verified by calculating an example.
Verified means that the item is checked. If it is checked and passed, then it is verified.
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He doesn't have a verified account.
The professor verified that that students' answers are incorrect.
My teacher verified my test to see if it was finished.
It means you have proof that you have insurance and it can be verified.
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The person who actually owns an account with Lindsay Lohan's screen name cannot be verified independently, and the fact that celebrities do not like to be annoyed when they are trying to enjoy themselves, WikiAnswers cannot and will not provide the details of any person's account on any website, celebrity or not.