Unfortunately there are no such things as "free voucher codes" for Habbo (Habbo Hotel). Voucher codes are only given after purchasing credits through certain methods, cellphones and prepaid cards included. and you need to purchase them.
Habbo does not give away voucher codes to anyone unless you buy their product.
Yea try 0000001
As it says on Habbo foruns page : "Habbo Credits are the Hotel's currency - they are what you use to pay for extras in the Hotel, like furniture for your guest room, VIP and Habbo Club membership, pets, stickers and backgrounds for your homepage."
People can, but I'm not sure they want to.
Go onto the Internet and type "Habbo Hotel Alt codes" and click on one of the websites and Walla :)
Send mieszko2 a good gift and ill put the code up,it's luduses code,which can be used once,each account,gives 750 credz.
Yes there is a code to get Habbo Hotel credits in the United States. Infact, there is millions. They are called 'voucher codes'. You need to pay for them, though by phoning them up. It's really simple, although you need credit on your phone so that you can pay them. If you go to the Habbo Hotel website, log in and click the tab 'Credits' it will tell you more information. Also, as many people have already been tricked.. You can never get free credits! Just the genuine credits from the staff members, but they only give them out on special occasions.
You can get voucher codes by buying a habbo prepaid card at 7/11 you know the store. then on the back of the prepaid card it tells the codes.
Sharing voucher codes is a form of Fraud. Just like giving someone your credit access code to purchase coins with the intent on them purchasing them using your code. Please do not share codes nor ask for them. Credits should be bought fair and square. If you cannot afford them, then you do not need them, the game is free to join and play.