abbye Myers as in lesley Patterson's friend does not have a bebo that i know of...I've seen many posers of hers on bebo and myspace so don't believe any of them especially the public ones because i have been on some of them and i know they are fakes because they don't even know her siblings real names
i have no idea wat a bebo is so ask a question i can answer
No but she has facebook. although on bebo she has some fan clubs you can join
yes they do
No he doesn't.
No he doesn't.
Apparently so.
yes but its a secret abbie does have one back. there at victoria primary school abbie has got millions of friend one espeshilly shelby redding.
Possibly but if it doesn't says official underneath their bebo picture then it is probably a fake.
no i belive he has myspace there are fake pages on bebo dont fall for them
Possibly but if it doesn't says official underneath their bebo picture then it is probably a fake.
she does when bebo tricks her it goes like this: bebo puts a gun in rano's cupboard and since everyone thinks rano is bebo rano got the blame then she admit that she was rano