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I am an electrician. If you suspect it is electrical current from the shower then switch of the main electricity supply to the house immedeatly and call an electrician urgently. You may have a fault where exposed wiring has come into contact with an unearthed metal water pipe. This is a potentially fatal situation. Less than 1 amp is more than sufficent to kill a person but would not cause a fuse to blow. Have a RCD fitted to your supply - it might save your life!

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Q: Feels like electrical current from the shower taps Why?
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A fishy smell coming from the fuse box when the shower is switched on could indicate a potential electrical issue, such as a failing electrical component or overheating wiring. It is important to immediately turn off the shower, shut off power to the fuse box, and contact a qualified electrician to investigate and address the problem to prevent any hazards like electrical fires.

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The ability of an object to transfer electric current is determined by its electrical conductivity. Materials with high electrical conductivity, such as metals, allow electric current to flow easily through them, while insulating materials have low electrical conductivity and inhibit the flow of current. Conductors like copper and silver are widely used for their high electrical conductivity.

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Current is directionally proportional to the applied voltage and inversely proportional to the resistance of the circuit. <<>> EMF (electromotive force) is measured in Volts. Current is measured in Amperes. Like water pipes, EMF (or voltage) is the "push" or pressure in an electrical circuit. Current is like the gallons per minute . . . it is the "amount" of electrical flow.

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That sounds like a description of a typical electrical current. Please note that an electrical current can have charge carriers other than electrons, but electrons are the most typical case.

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i like the way it feels i like the way it feels i like the way it feels i like the way it feels

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