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What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a static website?


  • Generally cheaper to implement on a smaller scale if fewer pages are required

  • Good for smaller companies as there is no need for any management system; it is the responsibility of one person

  • More flexibility is available, as you are not restricted to any template layout (although this can affect the usability of your website)

  • No change is required to your Web Hosting


  • More expensive to maintain in the long term if updates are more frequent. This is because any changes have to be made to pages individually. For example, if you had a menu item that appeared on every page that required amending, each individual page throughout the site would have to be updated.

  • Not updatable by the Client, thus relying on the Web designer to edit.

  • Increased risk to business, as the person with web skills could fall ill or leave, meaning that the website can no longer be maintained without complications.

  • Management is restricted to one machine. If changes need to be made then this is only possible where the editing tool is installed.

  • Website editors need significant training and skills to develop the website to modern day standards and practices. This is time consuming, expensive and ongoing.

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

A static website does not respond to user input. It displays the same content all the time. A dynamic website changes depending on user input. A good example is a website with forms.
A static website is developed with content that never changes when a user opens the page in a Browser.

A Dynamic site has features that are defined by the interactions of the User.

Simple Examples of Dynamic features
If a website shows the local time zone of a user who opens the dynamic site, then the time zone displayed will be different for users from America and Europe.

If a website has a counter that records how many page hits have occurred then the page will change every time a new user open the page in a browser, thus making the site always changing.

A dynamic site may offer multiple language sets for users, thus making the site change for different users. If a Spanish reader and an English reader open a dynamic website, both users can view the same website with completely different language sets!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Static websites are usually boring and no interactive however dynamic sites are the opposite.

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