Nothing, apart from the car gets hairy, and ripped and starts analy raping you...
Putting up your fingers, saying offensive things, threatening, murdering, raping and much more.
Quite a few times .Both before his boxing days and even after it.
The Civil war affected Sudan by burning there villages raping and killing the women and putting them in deep poverty and unprotected.
Raping the Corpse was created in 2005.
Converstion raping is when a person brings up the subject of sexually assaulting you and/or threatning you in some kind of way that would be raping if he (or she) put those words to use and to action.
Raping anyone or anything is not only horribly wrong, it is against the law!!
By raping her, and kidnapping her and raping her. sexually assult her. say Giggety while raoing her.
I haven't heard of Lil Wayne Raping anybody, I hope you meant to say Rapping.
Marshal Mathers has been raping small children since he was 7 years old.