if your modem has wireless capblility then you don't need a router.
if modem has wireless capablity, then no need for a router
A router and a modem are two separate things. There are a few different modem/router combo's, but typically you will need both items.
Yes you can because the modem router has a modem built in. There are different types of modem routers that suit different needs. If you are only going to be surfing the web you will need a "N" modem router, if you are going to be sharing files then you will need a "N+" modem router and if you are going to be gaming e.g. connecting to a Xbox 360 or PlayStaion 3 you will need a "N+N" modem router, I would personally recommend Belkin modem routers. Hope you find this useful!
a router or a modem
first, you need to pay company such as att, Verizon, comcast to let you have internet, second, they will give a modem that has a router built in already, if not you need to get one yourself. remember there are two types of modems, first one is modem with built in router and one without router.Yesh
wireless modem is a modem built in with wireless router, people use router seperately to connect to internet because their modem doesn't have a built in router. you can replace a wireless modem to a wirelss n modem.
The modem if what provides the internet, so yes, you will need the modem, the computer, and the router to have Wi-Fi for an iPod touch.
Yes, you can. You need to connect a wireless router to the modem.
a wireless modem means it has a wireless router built in. A wireless router means just a wireless router. if your modem is not wireless, you will need just a wireless router
wireless modem is called that because it has a wirelss router built in. wireless router just a wireless router. if your cable is not wireless you can buy a wireless router or a cable modem with wireless router