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well duh it does because if u just sit around and just watch TV then u don't know what actually out there to do instead of watching TV all the day u cold hang out with some Friends play outside just don't sit all Day and watch TV it is not good for u or yr health

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Q: Does TV waste your time
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Why children like to watch T V and waste time?

Children like to watch TV and waste time as they have to go to school in most of their time and study so they need a break. People say that we waste time in watching televison but when television was not there, children used to play with themselves, like ball games or spinning tops, but things change.

What are advantages and disadvantages of movie?

The advantages are that they entertain you and the disadvantages are that watching TV is a waste of time but that can also be a good thing if you want to do something as soon as possible because you can just sit in front of the TV and waste time and still have fun.

Where would you find download links for bumper king zapper tv series?

not any where do not waste ur time in it

Is TV a waste of money?

It depends on how one uses their TV. If they primarily watch educational or informative programs, it can be a valuable investment. However, if they spend excessive time watching unproductive content, it can indeed be considered a waste of money. Ultimately, it comes down to individual choices and priorities.

Does TV poison us?

I'm certain television won't poison you, I mean you might waste time watching it but it's certainly not going to poison you!!

What exactly is a waste of time?

a waste of time is nonsense that wastes time that could be used for something valuable. like reading. or working out. ^^ wow, health nut.. That is totally a matter of personal opinion. Personally I like to watch trains, and many is the times that I've been told what a waste that is ... so perhaps I should go to the opera? When I'm tone deaf? haaaa i like to watch TV and read and its not a waste of time let me tell you what is a waste of time iphone4 and ipads because their expensive and waste of money on a ipad when you have a computer and why waste 700 dollars on a stupid damn iphone4 when you can get a much cheaper phone. just because it has internet and touch screen you can get phones like that to besides iphone4 such as a lg its much cheaper. do not waste money on a iphone and a ipad or you will face the price. let me tell you what to get a ipod is better but don't buy it anyway because its expensive WHO CARES ABOUT THE IPHONE4 AND THE IPAD JUST WATCH TV AND READ OR PLAY SOME FREE COMPUTER GAMES

Can one get coupons for a digital TV converter box if one subscribes to cable?

You could but it would be a waste of the time, effort and coupon. You don't need one.

How television affects in your daily lives?

Television affects your daily life because it may cause you to sit around and waste time you could spend doing something important. It can also desensitize you against violence.

Is there too much violence on tv?

its waste of money

What is the advantage of television in Tamil language?

waste site

What are the ratings and certificates for A Waste of Shame The Mystery of Shakespeare and His Sonnets - 2005 TV?

A Waste of Shame The Mystery of Shakespeare and His Sonnets - 2005 TV is rated/received certificates of: USA:TV-14

Why are you wasting your time doing this?

It is not a waste of time. Any information that adds to the sum of human experience is a worthy endeavor. Besides it beats the dickens out of watching yet another dumb television show. No I think it is a waste of time and I totally think that this is the reason that I get about 2 hours of sleep but its stupid and addicting and don't use fancy language to cover up the fact that you are a TIME WASTER! Teehee. Oh and how does searching on the computer "Why am I wasting my time" adding to your human experience?