no the rumor comes exclusively with sprint. the LG Rumor was designed to be a special and valuble phone and they are going to make use of it, by making sprint receive more money. they also made a rant, but if you can go with sprint i would stick with the rumor
no no
can att lg xpression connect to my wifi
i have an LG 260 and my friend has an LG RUMOR and i think the only difference is the name lol. Seriously
yes cus i have a green lg rumor
LG Rumor - phone - was created in 2007.
If you mean the Lg Rumor then no it hasn't been discontinued. Lg actually just came out with the Lg rumor 2
The lg rumor 2 is more new and there is a difference the lg rumor 2 is thiner then the lg rumor and the lg rumor 2 has a smiley face button so if you are texting and you want a face you click on the smiley face and alot of faces come up so you can choose one and the keyboard is better.
lg rumor touch definately much easier to use and awesome features
yes it is i have one and it fits
how do you get the greeting banner off of a lg rumor plus
no you can not
i am 100% sure that virgin mobile and bell have the LG Rumor.