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Q: Do you think There are enough websites for educational purposes?
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Do you think People get enough rights in the educational institutions?

Whether or not people get enough rights in the educational insitutions is a matter of opinion. Some people would think that people do get enough rights, while other may not think so. It depends on who is asked.

Are computer games educational?

Haha, some computer games are educational others not so much... Some things like and are educational. But things like Y8 and clubpenguin aren't exactly educational, however some aspects of these websites may be. For example if you looked up a maths game on Y8, that would be educational. :) I still think is the most educational (and fun) website around! :)(::)(:

Does Hannah Montana has a zwinky account?

I don't think she would have enough time to go on internet chat websites (: but who knows?? I still think she doesn't

Should kids be allowed to get on non-educational websites at school?

i dont think so because it is unfair for the other students who actually take the time to go to school and learn

What are educational websites to learn from?

My kids love to be on ABC Mouse. They think they're just playing games, but they're actually learning. And it keeps track of their skill level. Paste the link into the search bar. Remember to remove any spaces. htt ps:// yazing. com/deals/abcmouse/gr8one1983

What is the procedure for receiving permission to use transparencies of the Bender figures for the Pennsylvania Psychological Association annual meeting?

I think I would contact the publisher. With some items like that you can use them if they are for educational purposes if it is one time use only.

How do you feel about WikiAnswers?

I think Wikianswers is fun and educational.

Is Pet RPG educational?

Well... I think it isn't.

What is Psycho-educational?

an education of a psycho, or at least think.

What are some websites like Kidzworldcom?

there are no other websites i think

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u can post videos on u tube or any websites that get alot of veiwers if u think u have talents enough to become a singer

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Some considerations that limit the potential of interactive technology for educational purposes include access to technology and reliable internet, technical glitches that may disrupt the learning process, potential distractions caused by interactive features, and the need for teachers to be trained in using these technologies effectively.