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For Web Hosting, a blade server isn't probably required. However, it would probably be a good idea to have one, especially if there are many people in your web hosting.

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Q: Do you need a blade server for web hosting?
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Do you need a web server to publish documents on the web?

Yes!And you will get all of that when you buy or get a web hosting. So for that you will need to get the webs server hosting but its not necessary to own one.

Explain the type of web hosting in detail?

web hosting type depend on the requirement of client. For example if you build your website in PHP then you need to Apache or Linux web hosting server to host your websites and if you build it in .net then your need IIS or Windows server to host your websites. So here are so many web hosting types that are specific for different - different platforms.

Who was asking about hosting?

Here the meaning of web hosting becomes clear, where the meaning of hosting is that a server or web server hosts the materials and contents of a specific site and links the domain for this site buy host ;

How do I arrange for private virtual server Web hosting?

There are many companies that offer private virutal server web hosting. is one such company.

How do you get an web page?

First you buy domain name. You can do that at hosting company, but it is often better to register it directly at domain registrar such as or to name a few. Then you need web hosting. Web hosting is a service of providing disk space and other necessary technical requirements for your site to be available online. After that you need to design a website and put it ion your web hosting server. If you're not familiar with web design and hosting, and not want to learn all that, then it is best to find a web designer to design a site and place it on a server.

Does ASP hosting offer server supported web hosting?

Yes, ASP offers server supported web hosting. They offer 3 different levels of plans to accommodate different needs.

What is aWeb server?

it is a server (Special Kind of PC) that holds a web site (hosting). when you type like example "" the web server hosting this site is responding and show you the prepared page.

Hire a Web Server Hosting Service?

form_title=Hire a Web Server Hosting Service form_header=Host your websites, databases, documents and other files on the web. What do you need hosted on the server?=_ Do you know how much bandwidth you will need on a monthly basis?=_ Do you require web server hosting for multiple facility locations?= () Yes () No

Understanding Different Web Servers?

Web servers are maintained by companies who host websites online. When you purchase a web hosting contract, the hosting company will upload your website files to their web server, which transmits it directly to the internet. There are several different types of web servers that you can use for your site. The one you choose depends on your level of expertise and your budget. Shared Server Hosting The majority of web hosting packages involve shared web servers. In a shared server package, you pay for the right to have you web content housed on a server that also houses web content from other sites. The hosting company generally provides you with templates and software that allow you to edit your site within the parameters of the server that it resides on. Everyone who uses the same server will need to use the same configuration for uploading and storing content. Managed Dedicated Hosting Managed dedicated hosting is a little different than shared hosting. Dedicated hosting means that you have purchased the right to have your web content stored on web servers that only house your content. Since you own the entire server, you have the ability to create custom scripts and run complicated applications through the web servers. In a managed hosting situation, the web host will offer technical support to help you create, upload, and manage your site. There are usually design templates and web content management systems included in a managed dedicated hosting situation. Private Dedicated Hosting Private dedicated hosting means that the entire function of the web servers is up to you. Just like a managed system the server only contains your files. But unlike a managed system, you are responsible for all of the content management and web publishing software for your site. The web hosting company’s only responsibility is to have the server available for you to use. If you choose this type of web server arrangement, it is necessary that you or one of your employees have a solid understanding of internet software and networking procedures. You will need to choose the operating system and all of the other web software that will be part of your site.

What market segments is Apache being used?

Web hosting as Apache is a web server

What is the difference between virtual hosting and cloud web hosting?

Virtual Hosting only uses the services of a fixed server or a portion of one server. Cloud web hosting gives you an advantage by using many servers simultaneously working together as one. This is the more modern way of hosting.

Is virtual server hosting more expensive than web hosting?

Yes, Virtual Server Hosting is a bit expensive than web hosting as it offers much more capabilities in terms of performance and reliability. Web hosting is good for very small or small businesses but when a business relies heavily on their site for day to day business, online ordering, emails and other services, virtual server hosting offer the next best option.