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Dear Plugged-up, "Living onn the land" sounds like your intentions are in the Patriotic area but my belief is that it is easier to seek forgivness than get permission in anything to do with the government. If it was me, I would do what needs to be done and go on with my day. Best wishes, Ben Hadd

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Q: Do you have to have a septic system if you have lived on the land for 27 years?
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Related questions

What is perkable land?

Perkable simply means it will support a septic system.

How much does it cost to put in a new septic system?

This would depend on the size of the septic tank, your land layout and the distance from your property to the tank. Needless to say, installing a septic tank of any kind is quite costly.

How much does it cost to put a septic system in on land that doesn't have one there yet?

Approx. $960,487.00 PLUS filing fees

What is a 3 bedroom soil site?

A 3 bedroom soil site typically refers to a septic system designed to accommodate a three-bedroom household. The system is sized and designed based on the number of bedrooms in the home to ensure proper waste treatment and disposal. It is important to have the soil tested to ensure it is suitable for the septic system installation.

What are facts about the land that Jesus lived in 2000 years ago?

it is called 'the holy land'

What act gave land to homesteaders if they lived on it for five years?

The Homestead act allowed settlers to claim 160 acres of land after they had lived on it for more than 5 years.

Where did Coranado land?

Pluto he lived there for 2000 years then died with naomi navarro

How were the Nazca able to farm the land they lived on?

The created an irrigation system and underground canals.

How long can a dicynodon live?

The dicynodon was an ancient dinosaur which lived in Africa. It is estimated that this dinosaur lived 250?æmillion years ago and lived partially on land and in the water.

How much land do you need to own to build a house with septic in Fayette County?

In Fayette County, the minimum lot size required for building a house with a septic system varies depending on specific zoning regulations, soil composition, and other factors. It is advisable to check with the local zoning or planning department to determine the exact land requirements for your specific situation.

How do you get help putting a septic on your land?

Look in the phone book under "Plumbers".

How can create concrete septic tank?

If your living arrangement is not near a group sewer system, you may require a septic tank and a horizontal seepage system to handle your family unit sewage. Pre-thrown cement septic tanks are promptly accessible, yet conveyance and setup are extravagant. If your neighborhood construction regulations permit it, you may pour your own septic tank on location.Things You'll Need· Land grade survey· Permit· Excavation equipment· Concrete forms· Steel reinforcement bars and ties· Sand· Concrete· Steel hooks· Manhole with cover· Crane