Currently, the only award for changing categories is that of the WAmmys. In the WAmmys, there is an award for the most category changes. That is the only award you can get for changing categories.
View the Related Links below to see the "Neat Freak" badges given out at the 2007 and 2008 WAmmys.
in which award show?
changing personalitychanging attitude
best plaer best skills and more
One funny Bowling award category would be strangest form while bowling. Other categories could be, most gutter balls, fewest spares, and an award for playing an entire game without getting a strike.
The Nobel
Best kiss was not one of the categories.
It has won three awards, but has been nominated in several award categories.
Padmashree, or Padma Shri, was award to 17 individuals in many different categories for the first time in 1954. This award is given by the Government of India to civilians.
The Arjuna Award covers several different categories. In 2014, Abhishek Verma won the award for archery, V. Diju won for badminton, and Geetu Anna Jose won for basketball.
No, although it was nominated in the two Sound categories (Sound Editing and Sound Mixing).
That is matter of opinion... There are many categories of 'bestness'. Watch award shows on TV for an answer.
It has won three awards, but has been nominated in several award categories.