No. You pay once for the application, the only time you pay is when you buy it.
I should know, I've got over 400 apps stored in my computer for my iPhone and so does my sister, who has the iPod Touch.
There is no monthly charge for the iPod Touch, only the iPhone, and the charges are the billings.
The only time I can imagine they'd charge for the iPod Touch is if you bought something off the internet via iPod Touch, but the charges wouldn't go towards the iPod Touch, only your credit card, banking account, or whatever you used to purchase with.
No, it does not cost money to look up apps on an iPod touch.
No, apps do not cost money every month. You only have to pay the price once, and then that it is it. No app has a monthly service charge.
some apps are free (a lot are) some app cost money.
The texting apps that you can buy on the iPod Touch only cost the amount you see for the app. There are no surcharges for the unlimited texting apps or monthly fees.
For the ipod touch some apps cost money but a whole lot of them dont cost money at all the majority of them are al so dont worry kk
some of them do but some of them don't certainly some of them do
they dont cost monthly once you by something from the app store you buy it it doesnt give you a fee
i dont know kid
Certain apps cost money to buy, certain apps are completely free. The download itself is free, but the actual app may cost or not cost depending on the app.
Most apps that are games are 99 cents or 1.99. Some other apps are more expensive. There are also some free apps.
Most of the apps are free on the Ipod touch and Iphone but the better the app the more money it will cost! Remember there will always be an app for your choice! So have fun browsing your Ipod touch and Iphone because more apps are going when more apps are coming in!:)
They do and they don't cost money. There is a free app section in iTunes and the App Store where you can download apps free of charge. There is also a Paid-for app section where you have go pay to get the app.