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Pengiuns don't have a shelter for their home, they just pick an open spot on the ice to play in and huddle together in the winter. For more info on pengiums, could could get a movie called march of the pengiuns that tells you everything about them. For my family, its actually a good and education family movie.

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Q: Do penguins have homes
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What Kind Of Homes Do Emperor Penguins Live?

Emperor Penguins don't make any kind of nest or homes.

What types of homes do penguins have?

Penguins don't have 'homes' in the traditional sense. Penguins breed on land, feed in sea water and spend their time in search of food. They may rest in open water or on ice floes.

Do penguins survive in Antarctica for a long time?

Penguins visit Antarctica's beaches to breed and this season lasts about 60 days. Then penguins return to their homes in the sea.

Do you often see penguins at the antarctica?

Penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, so during that season, yes, one often sees penguins. After the breeding season, however, penguins return to their homes in the sea.

What animals steal other animals homes?

animals that use other animals vacant homes are called crustaceans.

How would global warming effect penguins homes?

The ice would melt

Why are penguins homes in cold weather?

penguin live in the cold because that is their temperature\

How do penguins build their home?

They don't build their homes, they naturally find it as soon as they are born.

Why do Adélie penguins live in Antarctica?

No animal lives in Antarctica. Adélie penguins -- like three other types of penguins -- breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators there. Adélie penguins -- like all 17 types of penguins -- are sea birds and make their homes in salt water.

Do penguins live on glaciers in Antarctica?

Penguins are sea birds and make their homes in ocean water. Penguins breed on Antarctica's beaches, because there are no land predators there. No animals live on Antarctica: it's too cold and there is no food chain.

Where can you find Adélie Penguins in Antarctica?

You can find Adélie Penguins on some of Antarctica's beaches during breeding season. Otherwise these are sea birds and make their homes in the Southern Ocean.

Were do penguins build there homes in Antarctica?

Penguins do not build homes; penguins do not live on the Antarctic continent. When a penguin is ready to lay its egg and hatch its chicks -- done by both males and females of the different penguin types -- the male penguin fills a slight trough with stones indicating a nest. Once the chicks are hatched and have fledged, all the animals leave Antarctica.