When you delete your account, it deletes all of your videos. Therefore, your playlists are deleted, too.
There is a 'Delete all' button on the History Page!
All you do is go to edit profile and to the section and delete the stuff it adds
idk now how to delete ur queue from youtube but i had it and i wanted off and then all of asudden it was gone ok i typed this yesturday and i did it again im so stupid
It can take as little as 30 seconds to delete a YouTube account. All you need to do to delete your YouTube account is log into your account and go to Advanced Settings and close your account from there. Information associated with your account may take a couple days to disappear from search engines though because search engines do not update things immediately.
Check your chrome extensions and delete all that were installed by "third party"
Nothing Happens... It's Just Deleted, Along With All Your Videos x
You can delete an account on YouTube by logging in to your account and going to the account settings page, then visiting the advanced account settings page, and selecting the "close account" option. Just be aware that if you close your YouTube account, you will not be able to choose that username again and all content and history your YouTube account has collected will be deleted.
The worst that will happen is you will lose YouTube
Click on your YouTube channel name on the upper-right corner on the page then click "Video Manager" and tick the video(s) that you want to delete and click on "Actions" above all your videos then click "Delete". This is super easy! Hope I helped! :)
If it is not a problem for you to browse youtube as anonymous user (non-logged-in), then you can get rid of that annoying prompt for entering your password. If it asks you for a password, then you have been logged-in in past and the information about your last used account is in the cookies. So close all the windows with youtube pages, delete the cookies for domain youtube.com (or all the cookies if you don't know how to delete just specific ones) and then go to YT and it will not require a password anymore.
Nope, still pirated music. I suggest just finding the songs on youtube