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it depends if you also have wifi but to anwser is yes it would have poor internet

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Q: Could a damaged Ethernet port result in a poor Internet connection?
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The longest Xbox 360 Ethernet cable you can use is typically 100 feet (30 meters). Using a cable longer than this can result in a loss of signal quality and slower connection speeds. It's best to keep the cable length as short as possible for optimal performance.

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Some types of cables used for connecting to the internet will appear to result in a slower connection the longer the cable. This is primarily a result of signal loss, resulting in more packets requiring to be re-transmitted. For most home use however you would not run into this issue.

When watching movies on hulu or putlocker why does the movie tile Is it my laptop my connection or flashplayer maybe something else. What can i do to make this not happen or make it better?

Not sure what you mean by tiling, but I'll assume you mean the picture occasionally looks like a mosaic (artefacts and noise). This is usually a result of missing data in the stream which is most likely a result of dropped data packets. I would suspect your connection is poor or congested. If your connection is wireless, try a wired Ethernet connection (it's much faster and more consistent, but less convenient). If that doesn't resolve it then check your video codecs and graphics drivers are up to date, and also re-install Flashplayer. If that doesn't resolve it then you need to test your Internet connection; you may have a faulty or noisy line, but it may simply be congestion, which can only be resolved by upgrading your connection. Either way, speak to your service provider who can run a line test. ADSL lines can be improved by replacing all your telephone sockets with dedicated filtered sockets, and placing the router as close to the main line as is possible. Relays can be used to improve wireless connections, but they are inherently much slower than Ethernet.

What is voip and where it is used what are the advantages and disadvantages?

VoIP is voice over internet protocol and it is used in replacement of traditional telephones. It is cheaper and can make international calls with no extra charges. Disadvantages is bad internet connection will result to bad communication system.

What are the various types of internet connections?

Analong (Dialup)ISNDB-ISNDDSL- ADSL- ADSL+2- SDSL- VDSLCableWireless Internet ConnectionT-1 Lines- Bonded T-1T-3 LinesOC3SatelliteMore Information Here: Care,~iAnswerNow

Causes of slow internet connections?

Internet lagging can be caused by a bad connection. For example, if your computer is farther away from the router this can cause a weaker internet connection. Also, the type of internet bought can effect how fast the internet runs and downloads.

Do ovaries die after tubal ligation?

They shouldn't, but if the blood supply is accidentally damaged the result would be damaged ovaries.

Why is your site so slow and of such poor quality?

I suspect that the slow speed relates to the host’s poor internet connection quality and that the poor quality replies are a result of the Grammatical capabilities of those answering questions.

Use a Secure Connection ?

When you are filing your taxes online and using a wireless connection, you need to be sure the connection is secure. If a connection is not secure, then other people may be able to access your tax information. Ideally, the only wireless connection you should depend on is a personal one at home. These days, even using a cafe wireless internet connection can result in some problems for the person filing his or her taxes online. There are still employees in a cafe or other public location who may be able to access the wireless connection and view private information.

Secure Your Wireless Internet Service?

When you have a wireless internet service, you should know that, if you leave it unsecured, as in, without password protection, then literally anybody who's in the area and carrying a wireless device can piggyback on your connection. At the least, this will result in slower internet, and at the worst, it could be an identity thief or hacker stealing information from you. As soon as you set up your wireless internet service, set it up with a password. The last thing in the world you need is for someone to steal your email password or financial information due to an unsecured connection.