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conflict perspective

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Q: Competing groups as defined by conflict or tension?
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What term describes the social structure between competing groups as defined by conflict or tension?

The term that describes the social structure between competing groups as defined by conflict or tension is "social dynamics" or "intergroup conflict." This term refers to the interactions, relationships, and power struggles that exist between different groups within a society or organization.

This describes the social structure between competing groups as defined by conflict or tension An example would be the conflict that occurs between Haitians and US citizens when Haitian re?

This situation represents intergroup conflict, where tension exists between Haitians and US citizens. This conflict can stem from various factors such as cultural differences, competition for resources, or historical grievances. Resolving such conflicts requires understanding each group's perspectives, addressing underlying issues, and promoting dialogue and mutual respect.

How do needs cause conflict?

Needs can lead to conflict when individuals or groups have competing interests or desires, creating a situation where resources or opportunities are limited. When people feel that their needs are not being met, they may become frustrated, leading to tension and potentially escalating into conflict as they seek to address their needs. Additionally, misunderstandings or lack of communication about needs can also contribute to conflict.

What is the neo-conflict perspective?

The neo-conflict perspective refers to a new clash between two people or groups. It can also be defined as the opposition of two groups simultaneously.

What are the main tenets of conflict theory?

Conflict theory posits that society is composed of different groups with competing interests and power dynamics. It emphasizes the role of conflict and inequality in shaping social structures and institutions. Conflict theorists argue that social change occurs through conflict and struggle between different groups vying for resources and power.

What is the meaning of the peace and unity prayer?

The "Peace and Unity Prayer" is a prayer requesting the removal of all differences among men (individuals and groups, including religious groups) that lead to tension, discord, and conflict; especially the violent conflict of war.

What type of conflict occurs between persons of groups on the same hierarchical level?

Horizontal conflict occurs between persons or groups on the same hierarchical level. This type of conflict can arise due to competition for resources, differences in opinions, or conflicting goals. It can lead to tension and rivalry within the organization.

What is underlying conflict?

Underlying conflict refers to the hidden or subconscious reasons for a disagreement or tension between individuals or groups. It often stems from unaddressed issues, differing values, or unresolved emotions that are not openly communicated. Recognizing and addressing the underlying conflict is crucial for effective conflict resolution.

What is a non example of tension?

A non-example of tension could be a situation where there is no conflict, disagreement, or pressure between individuals or groups. For example, two friends having a relaxed and enjoyable conversation without any underlying stress or strain would be a non-example of tension.

What is Perceived conflict?

Perceived conflict refers to differences in opinions, values, or interests between individuals or groups that lead to a sense of disagreement or tension. It is based on how the parties involved interpret the situation rather than an objective assessment of the conflict. Perception of conflict can influence how individuals approach and respond to conflicts.

What is the minor conflict in the book 'The Outsiders'?

One minor conflict in "The Outsiders" is between the greasers and the Socs, which represents the class conflict between the two groups. This conflict is a recurring theme throughout the book, as it drives much of the tension and violence between the characters.

What is a way groups gain power?

competing with other groups