Pepsico's corporate level strategy is expansion strategy.
difference between business level strategy and corporate level strategy?
What is Toyota's corporate level strategy and business level stategy.
The difference between corporate and business level strategy is that their operations are inter-industry and intra-industry respectively. Whereas corporate level strategy is concerned in what business to deal with, business level strategy is concerned with how to compete within a particular business.
Corporate level strategy is apprehensive with the strategic decisions a company makes that have an effect on the whole business. Financial performance, Mergers and Acquisitions, human resource management and the distribution of resources are well thought-out element of corporate level strategy.
it is the action plan of the company
Related diversification
corporate-level plan
corporate and business unit level of strategy
I would say focused differentiation strategy
Toyota already has a perfectly good corporate strategy.
Make no change to the company's current activities. stick to smartphone division.