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In older TV sets, the picture tube contained a colored matrix of red, blue and green (primary colors) coating that was applied to the inside of the front of the picture tube. The neck of the tube contained an "electron gun" that emitted a stream of electrons that impacted the coated tube surface. When an electron impinged the surface, it gave off energy, visible as light. The electron beam was controlled by a "deflection" circuit that caused the beam to sweep across the tube horizontally, and also move from top to bottom vertically. The end result is the creation of visible light on the screen. There is more to it, but this gives you an idea. Current TV's use projection circuit, etc., but the basic principle is the same.

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14y ago

You are asking if color results from color. This is a pointless question. Color is color. All things are themselves.

Perhaps you want to know if the color on a TV screen accuately depicts the color of the objects that were filmed for TV. Generally the color representation is accurate, although it is possible to alter it, when the broadcaster wants to do so.

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Q: Colors seen on a TV Screen result from color?
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Colors seen on tv result from color?

They result from color addition, if you look really closely at an old tv you'll see three distinct colors: red, green, blue.

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Red is the color that can be seen from far away because its wavelength is big, compared to the other colors.

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Black is the color that absorbs all colors, as it absorbs all wavelengths of light and reflects none.

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The color wheel consists of primary colors (red, yellow, blue), secondary colors (orange, green, violet), and tertiary colors (a mix of primary and secondary colors). Additional colors can be created by blending these base colors in varying proportions.

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No, white is not considered a secondary color. In traditional color theory, secondary colors are created by mixing primary colors. White is often referred to as a neutral color that is seen as the absence of color or the combination of all colors.

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The colors red, orange, yellow, green, blue and violet can be seen in a spectroviewer. Each color has a height depending on what is being looked at in the spectroviewer.

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Sunlight contains all the colors (wavelengths) in the visible light spectrum. This is evidenced by the colors seen in rainbows.

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There are no known colors that no one has ever seen. Different cultures may have different ways of perceiving and describing colors, but the visible light spectrum encompasses all colors that the human eye can potentially see.

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