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Q: Can you upload clothes from Club Penguin ds game to club panguin?
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you can not get jobs on club penguin

How do you upload clothes onto your club penguin account?

you cant.

Do you have to have a Club Penguin toy to play on club panguin?

no u just need to get a penguin and use it on the best game

How do you delete an item in Club Penguin?

Easy you just need to delt the panguin.

Can you upload clothes on Club Penguin?

you can upload clothes and coins of herbets revenge only if you have it and to do it you need to send over 2000 coins then it will appear after a few days

What Can you upload items from Club Penguin elite penguin force to your Club Penguin account?

yes you can

How do you get clothes on Club Penguin 2011 if not meber?

How do you get clothes on club penguin if not member in 2011

How do you trade clothes on Club Penguin?

You Cannot Trade Clothes On Club Penguin Unfortunately! :(

Can you get the clothes from Club Penguin Elite Penguin Force to Club Penguin?

you have to be a member

Can you transfer clothes from Club Penguin EPF to Club Penguin?

You cannot upload clothing items and missions to your online Club Penguin account. If you have An XEY EPF (The Game Available in Africa, France, Germany and Spain) you cannot even upload coins. You can upload coins to your account on a Regular DS not an XEY, with a Wi-Fi connection Cable. You can purchase this item at for about £50.00/$70.00. I asked Billybob by e-mail if you could do this. I copied and pasted his reply to this page. Billybob's answer to; Can you upload clothing items from elite penguin force to your online account; Dear Scuddy33, No you can't upload clothing items from Elite Penguin Force to your Online Club Penguin account, but You CAN upload Your coins from the Game to your Online Account. You need a Wi-Fi connector. These cables are not included with the game but it would be a dream to see they were. Thanks, But Sorry, Billybob-Club Penguin team.

How do i wear my member clothes when your membership has ran out on club penguin?

You cant If you want member clothes that you can always wear,then buy a club penguin toy when you buy a club penguin toy you can get clothes that might never in the club penguin catalog.

How do you sell your clothes on Club Penguin?

club penguin doesn't allow you to sell your clothes. I wish they did. srry