The short answer is a qualified yes. If you want to take your rabbit outside, you should:
It is inadvisable to attempt walking a rabbit in a park, as the grass has most likely been treated with chemicals and there are likely to dogs around.
Also note that rabbits are prey animals, and that they can become nervous or afraid when they see predators. It is possible that a rabbit may be literally frightened to death if it thinks that a predator may attack it, no matter how illogical it may seem to the human mind.
another answer: You should be ok, just make sure it doesn't get away and that it doesn't get too hot or cold. Also be careful with eating too much grass and such because it can get diahreah.
to take your pet outside you have to click on your pet and click on the option 'take outside'
Rabbits can live outside. Most do.
It is not recommended to bathe an outside pet rabbit as they are susceptible to stress and may have difficulty regulating their body temperature. Rabbits are generally clean animals that groom themselves regularly. However, if your rabbit gets dirty, you can spot clean them with a damp cloth or take them to a rabbit-savvy veterinarian for a proper cleaning.
You go to your barn and click the green shade and click the pet you would like to take outside, and it will say "Bring Outside" or "Add to Home" and you press "Bring Outside" and your pet will be next to you and then where ever you go your pet will be will you! Warning: 1. It may take up to 10 seconds for your pet to load next to you. 2. You can't take pebbles outside.
pet rabbit... you can get some for $10.00 CAN
Burrows if outside in wild and a bed of rabbit bedding for a pet bunny
If you get caught your rabbit will be destroyed as it is illegal to keep rabbits in QLD
cold sores can kill your pet rabbit but if you take care of the sore and clean the sore but if you don't take of the sore the bacteria will speard and the sore will close but then the bacteria will spread and then will kill your pet rabbit take care of your pet and stop animal cruelty
i recommend you look up a rabbit breeder in a phone book or on the internet. they are usually kept outside. but don't go to a pet store. the best thing would be to get it as a baby, then it will grow to be an outdoor rabbit and will learn to be good around you and a family.
nothing happens, rabbits are suppose to like the outdoors, it's their nature.
be a member and click on the pet and click take outside
Only if you would like to eat it.