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Q: Can you sue another woman for texting your husband while you are still married but separated. can i sue her?
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What to do when you're husband has been texting another woman Please see Discussion page for more info?

It depends what he was texting.

What should you think if your husband emails another woman and calls her a pretty lady?

I think he is sneaking around. A married man has no business texting another woman and even worse calling her pretty. It seems inappropriate.

Is your husband secretly texting another woman?

When a person is cheating by texting they are generally very foxy and private so your best bet to catch your husband is to see what his pattern is for going out especially in the evenings or weekends and either you and a girlfriend follow him in your girlfriends car (so he won't recognize it) or hire a detective for a couple of weeks to follow your husband and see if he really is seeing another woman.

Is it health for ex-wife to text her ex-husband about her personal issues?

No, in my point of view, if they both does not have any contacts between them after they had separated means, then it will be good for ex-wife to text ex-husband about her personal issues. ********* Many ex-couples actually get on better and are more friendly to each other than when they were married. Provided both are comfortable with the texting, and neither have a new partner that would be upset or annoyed, then there is nothing wrong.

Is your man cheating if he text a girl and want to meet with her and tell her how cute and pretty she is?

i guess so ANSWER: Cheating? can't say but why is your husband texting this woman, so they can meet face to face? And all of a sudden he told you how cute she is. Why don't you ask him why he is talking to this woman through texting knowing the two of you are married?

What is another name for cell communication?

texting you idiot

Can a husband have a friendly friendship with a woman long distance texting and doesnt say nothing to wife is that cheating?

A husband can have a friendly relationship with a woman long distance by texting. It depends on what type or relationship he has with his wife on whether it's considered cheating. If he has nothing to hide, there is no reason to keep it from her.

Is texting all the time with another of the opposite sex an emotional affair?

It depends on what you guys are talking about when you're texting , if you talk about things you would like to do to them or something in that nature yes that is a form of cheating & you should stop if you love your spouse , if not you guys should've never got married in the first place .

Is there such a thing as making a story with another person in texting?

I guess there is.

What is another term for text messaging?

texting or messaging

Why does your ex keep texting you after she left you to be with another girl?

She still has strong feelings for you or wants to stay friends (it all depends on what she's been texting you)

What should you do your husband had a female friend who he hid from you He had seen her for afterwork beers and texting with her weekly The girl has sent him sex texts you just got married and pregn?

im sorry to say this because your probably very stressed and excited and nervous and worried. but from the sounds of it hes cheating.