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Q: Can you run dishwasher and washing machine on ring main?
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How do you get a lost ring out of a washing machine?

I dropped engagement ring in washer and it slid under the agitator .. out of panic, I drained the water and let it go through the spin cycle hoping it would shake it out but it didn't.. so i checked if my machine has a filter, its usually located on the bottom corner of machine.. if not in the filter or like my machine it didnt have a filter then this is what i did.. first do not let it go through another wash cycle.. second turn the main source of water off that supplies water to the washer.. third, unhook the hose connected to washing machine (be prepared for lots of excess water draining out).. step four, turn machine on wash cycle and if ur lucky like I was then the ring will pop right out the drain : )

What could be causing a washing machine to not ring the water out of clothes?

Possible causes for a washing machine not ringing out water from clothes could include a clogged drain pump, a malfunctioning lid switch, or a problem with the machine's motor or belt. It could also be due to imbalanced loads, which can prevent the machine from spinning properly.

What are the example of a open loop control system?

A sprinkler system, gas ring, timed cotrol, automatic toaster, washing machine, or a oven.

What type of simple machine is an ear ring?

An ear ring is not a machine.

How do you Extend a ring main?

What is a ring main?

How does a token ring work?

3. Unlike Ethernet, Token Ring uses a ring topology whereby the data is sent from one machine to the next and so on around the ring until it ends up back where it started. It also uses a token passing protocol which means that a machine can only use the network when it has control of the Token, this ensures that there are no collisions because only one machine can use the network at any given time.

What does flashing red lights on Kenmore dishwasher 1582900 mean - can't start it?

It's basiclly the same thing as the red ring of death on an Xbox 360.Or in other words your dishwasher is dead.

What is Uranus main ring?

The Mab Ring.

When was Thames Water Ring Main created?

Thames Water Ring Main was created in 1993.

If there are rings orbiting around Jupiter how many are?

Jupiter has 79 confirmed moons, but it actually has four main ring systems. The main rings are called the halo ring, the main ring, the Amalthea gossamer ring, and the Thebe gossamer ring.

What is dr mode on fax machine?

Distinctive Ring

What is rubber ring in sewing machine?

it is called a penius