You don't, you remove the plastic junk and replace the toxic plasatic with cast iron
Cast Iron extra heavy, Cast Iron service weight, No Hub Cast Iron, Galvanized, Copper Tubing, PVC are the most common BUT plastic should not be exposed to direct sun light thus for the vent terminal CI or other Ferrous materials are desired
As far as I know PVC is illegal in New York and Chicago.
Definitely PVC
Depends on the type what means I use to replace it CAST Iron/ BRASS / Antimony / PVC / SCREWED TYPE
Answer replacing cast iron with PVCThere is a rubber sleeve available that goes in the cast iron and then the PVC slides into it. Use a rubber outside sleeve with two hose clamps. You can also replace the rusted section with PVC and them "lead" them with the packing and a paste sealant that is made for this.
Yes, but PVC creates problems
If you are referring to your vent stack it will be on the roof, either 2" is smaller services and 4" is main line out of the house in either PVC or cast iron. If you are referring to your vent stack it will be on the roof, either 2" is smaller services and 4" is main line out of the house in either PVC or cast iron. If you are referring to your vent stack it will be on the roof, either 2" is smaller services and 4" is main line out of the house in either PVC or cast iron.
No PVC is acceptable, you can join the new PVC piping into the existing Cast Iron.
Pvc pipes are cheaper. They are easier to join. They last longer.
No hub coupling
These days PVC pipes are faster and easier to fit and in many ways more efficient than cast iron.