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Club Penguin is a paid membership web site.

Non-members may play Mini-games, Card Jitsu, and become a Ninja for free.

There are people out there who claim to give out free membership, but they normally give you a virus or get you very angry.

From my advice, risking getting your penguin banned for a phony free membership isn't worth it.

Yes. As soon as you sign up for Club Penguin, your account will of course be free. You will only have to pay for it if you choose to.
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9y ago
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13y ago

Yes, you could give someone a membership in Club Penguin. An adult would need to set up the account and arrange for payment for the membership fees or you could buy a Club Penguin Membership Card at a store and give the card as a gift.

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14y ago

Fly out to Canada and find the big club penguin building and beg the lady at the front desk!!

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13y ago

Im sorry for all club penguin members you can't remew your membership for free!

also there is a free membership penguin. Username:trentrocks8


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Where are Club Penguin membership codes that are free?

Prizerebel has Club Penguin membership codes that are free.

How do you become a Club Penguin member with hacking for free?

Simple, you go edit your account but just click on renew your membership. Simple, you go edit your account but just click on renew your membership.

Can you get a free membership generator for Club Penguin?

There is no free and legal membership generator. Club Penguin is owned by Disney.

How can you get free membership in club penguin through penguin storm?

I have Penguin Storm and you cannot get a free membership.

Free Club Penguin membership card codes?

You can buy club penguin membership codes from the shop but unless you win one in a competition there is no such thing as a free club penguin membership code.

Ecept arctis anticks and prizerebel were do you get club penguin free membership?

You can get a free club penguin membership by going to the website.

How on Club Penguin can you get a free membership without paying?

There is no way to get a free membership on Club Penguin without hacking. (I do not recommend hacking because if you do Club Penguin will ban you.)

What is club penguin membership?

it is a membership to get free stuff

Is there a free membership on Club Penguin?


If you buy a stuffed animal puffle could you get a free club penguin?

no you do not get a free membership you get the puffle that you got. besides club penguin is free (but not membership).

Where can you get a free 12 months membership code in club penguin?

It's not likely that you'll find a place where you get Club Penguin membership for free.

How earn free club penguin membership?

Yes, you can only 'Earn' a free club penguin membership. It is impossible, and illegal, to get it free any other way.