You can go on gmail and make a free account by going on gmail and clicking free account.'
Gmail account has only one link to it. It cannot be linked to other profiles. A Gmail account is individual on it's own.
You can make a Gmail account for yourself easily. You just have to register using the Gmail information. You have to also agree to the terms and conditions.
No Gmail does not own anything that you upload. It is be because you own the rights to the account. Gmail only controls the settings of your account.
Make a new gmail account then have facebook send it to your new account.
You can get a picture for your gmail account easily.. It is preferred that you use your own picture. This is because other users can identify you.
Yes, you can. But you have to make that account a gmail-like account. gmail is a good email site too
Gmail is an account of Google where you manage your mails. It can also used for chatting with google friends. The Gmail account is a place for mailing services.
There is no issue if you do not have any existing ID. You can still make a Gmail account. All you need to do if fill your personal details right.
You must be at least thirteen years of age to have a google G-mail account.
You have to attain a minimum age to make a Gmail. The age of creation of Gmail is 13 years. You can easily create a account after that.
No, Gmail is an email company. You can make a Gmail Account @ Click "Create An Account" (bottom right/under the sign in stuff) Hope this helped! :)