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i have been fined by this company bittorent bittorrent 500 pounds which i ain't paying shooud tell u this before downloads

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Q: Can you get fined for using bittorrent?
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Using bittorrent to download copyrighted material from the internet is considered what by the US government?

Using Bittorrent is considered illegal by the US Government because of copyright infringement. It is seen as a hyperlink. For this reason some Bittorrent files are considered illegal by the US Government.

Is downloading software with bittorrent legal?

It depends whether the item you are downloading is free without using BitTorrent. If it is free, then it is legal. But if it has to be paid for, then it is illegal.

How do you run a torrent?

Using a bittorrent client. Using utorrent is recommended, get it from

Since uTorrent teamed up with Bittorrent will it affect the privacy of users using it?

No it wouldn't because uTorrent and BitTorrent is of the same company, thus it wouldn't

Can you get in trouble for using bittorrent?

if you have comcast they email you about it but I'm not sure what they'll do about it.

Can you get fined for using too much water?

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When was BitTorrent - company - created?

BitTorrent - company - was created in 2004.

Is BitTorrent free?

Yes, Bittorrent is Absolutley free to download and use.

What is the population of BitTorrent company?

BitTorrent - company -'s population is 60.

Does anyone personally know someone who was fined for using LimeWire?

I have heard that you get charged $500 if you get found out.. but noone I know personally has been fined

Will you be fined for using Ares?

It is possible to get fined using Ares, BUT, you would have to be sharing a ton of copyrighted material. Your best bet is to NOT keep Ares online for more than 2 hours at a time.

Has anyone who uses bittorrent been sued?

Yes people have been sued for using Bittorrents.