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Yes - some (very few) STDs can be transmitted from other than sexual contact. It is very very unlikely you will get it from a toilet seat as the organism requires a moist environment to survive and most toilet seats are dry. Unclean hands could theoretically pass it on but I don't think it had ever been proven. You are most likely to get an STD (other than sexual contact) by blood to blood transfer - sharing a razor or a toothbrush.
It would be nearly impossible to get a STI from a toilet seat.
It's theoretically possible, but unlikely.

Not all STD's are transmitted by touch like you can get crabs from a toilet seat but its not like you can get AIDs from a toilet seat but regardless you must be careful. You may not get an STD but you might get a disease or an infection from a toilet seat.
You won't get a STD by using the same toilet as someone that has a STD.
It would be highly unlikely to get a STD from a toilet seat. Probably, if any STI were to occur from a toilet seat, it would be herpes.
Not me and Not you. None can catch a STD from toilet seats. Those are tend to spread with intercourse only.
It would be highly unlikely to get a STD from a toilet seat; the most likely would be genital warts.
The only way you can get VD from a toilet seat is to have sex while you're sitting on one.

While it is technically possible, it is not very likely. Most STDs are going to die if exposed to air for a few minutes, particularly if they dry out.
This is nearly impossible to occur.
It would be very unusual to contract a sexually transmitted disease from a toilet seat.
Most STDs can't be transmitted from a public toilet.
You could get an STD from almost everywhere, STDs are viruses and viruses can live on surfaces anywhere from a second to a year. If one of the cells gets into your body you could contract the disease.
It is unlikely to get a STD from a toilet.
Yes you can
"No, but you could pick up something like a yeast infection or staph." Health officials will tell you "No," but the truth of the matter is that many bacteria (i.e. those causing STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis), as well as viruses (i.e. those which cause STDs like HSV II (Herpes) or HPV (Genital warts) can, under the right conditions, survive 24 hours or more out-of-host (i.e. on an inorganic surface such as a toilet seat). It is also accepted in the medical community that you CAN contract HSV II via sharing towels with someone who is either experiencing an outbreak or asymptomatically shedding (although it's not common). Thus, it seems wholly reasonable to take extra care and caution in using public ANYTHING--as restrooms tend to be, for the most part, cleaned more often than things like phone receivers, drinking fountains, etc. Antibacterial gel isn't something you'd want to use day-in and day-out, but is definitely a good idea if you are in a highly populated public area. Also, not a good idea to sit on the toilet seats--ever. BTW--Most health officials' decision to say the answer is "no" is only because there hasn't been a well-funded government study to confirm or dispel the matter. Also, if the "official" answer was "yes", you can imagine the uproar and public outcry for government to "do something" about it. Hence, the lack of CDC study.
It is possible, but not likely.
It would be almost impossible to get a STD from a toilet seat.


House said yes but im not sure lol
Crabs is probably the biggest threat STD-wise and is also very easy to treat. You can also get herpes from a toilet seat, under special circumstances. The virus itself has great difficulties to survive a prolonged period outside the body, but could easily survive a couple of minutes between two different toilet-users in a warm droplet of water, so care should always be taken with public bathrooms.
yes you can...but only herpes an hiv/ chlamyida,gonorrhea,spyhlis..etc can NT be contracted that ways unless u use the toilet within seconds..the reason for tha is the bacteria in thos sti's need a moist place to survive...
Theoretically, yes - in reality, no. For that to happen there'd have to be 2 steps: 1) someone with a STD getting really friendly with the seat, not only sitting on it, but giving it a good rub against his/hers genitals. 2) then you'd have to come along fairly immediately, and give the seat an equally good rub against your genitals. Doesn't sound too likely, does it?
For a free phone consultation with a staffed physician who can prescribe treatment when appropriate or answer any questions call 24hrs a day 7 days a week toll free 1-877-246-1519 its a confidential call.
No you can't get HPV from a toilet seat, however the hepatitis C virus can live for up to 1 week outside of the body so it is always a good idea to either not sit on the seat or put something down on it before you sit.
Almost all sexually transmitted diseases have to be passed through direct contact. This person should really get them treated, there can be complication caused by them depending on what exactly they have. There is nothing wrong with cleaning the seat, but you most likely don't have much to worry about.

no you can not catch an std from a public toilet,

you can only get an std by having sex.

no one wants an std so that is why it is important

to use a condom every time you ''get busy'' or you could face serious


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10y ago

You can not get syphilis from a toilet seat.
Not unless you rub your genitalia on the toilet seat after someone with syphilis rubs their genitalia on the exact same spot within a few minutes of each other.

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It is not likely to get a STD from a toilet.

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The chances of catching an STD that way are very slim. Most organisms that are passed on sexually depend on the continuation of suitable conditions to remain alive. these microorganisms die quickly outside a living host. The only people that are said to be able to catch STD of toilet seats and such are the clergy. Having said that however if you suspect that you may have acquired an STD you should as a matter of urgency have it checked out.

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no your dick will have to go in her vagina to git one just in case wash your hands with soap